Member Update – June 2020
Get ready …… we are ready to resume Judo Classes for our members.
First, some background information.
With the support and approval from Judo NSW, our club has submitted a CoVid-19 Safety Plan that supports a Level C return to sport by NSW Health from 1 July 2020.
Club coaches have completed the Australian Government, Department of Health CoVid-19 Infection Control Training eLearning Course.
IIJC has a designated CoVid-19 Safety Co-ordinator.
Plans and signage will be available to view at the club.
In line with the above, our dojo has adapted a range of measures to ensure a safe return to Judo training under 4 pillars, PLAN, PREPARE, RESPOND and RECOVER with a mantra of … Arrive ready to train! Get in, Train, Get out!!
We ask for your support in the following:
- Come ready to train with all gear in your own bag.
- Use the Automatic hand sanitiser upon entry and leaving the dojo.
- Fully complete the Attendance Register details at the designated desk area.
- Undertake an external digital temperature check.
- Maintain safe social distancing.
- Use the waste bins provided when necessary.
- Support the ongoing sanitisation and hygiene practises in place for all members.
- And most importantly, if you have symptoms, take personal responsibility very seriously and stay at home until safe to return.
The kitchen and shower areas will be closed for the duration of Level C restrictions.
Senior classes will recommence on Wednesday 1 July from 6:45pm.
Junior classes will resume on Monday 20 July from 5:30pm.
Our club committee has unanimously endorsed free training for all existing members for July and August. The last few months have been very challenging for many families and we would like to support every one with the opportunity to just come along and enjoy your Judo.
A club Working Bee has been organised for Saturday 4 July, from 1:00 – 4:00pm. We will clean the venue and pack away excess equipment in readiness for our return to training under the Level C guidelines.
Finally, club coaches will continue to liaise with Judo NSW and provide regular updates in regards to future developments and activity.
We look forward to seeing you on the mat.
Stay safe!